Boosting Client Sales 27% in Two Months: A Case Study

Boosting Client Sales 27% in Two Months: A Case Study

June 20, 2024

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When Elephantito, a luxury children’s shoewear brand, approached us with the goal of increasing their sales through enhanced SEO strategies, the team at FORTUNE Marketing was ready to rise to the challenge. Our collaboration kicked off early this year and, in just a short span from March to June 2024, Elephantito witnessed an impressive 27% increase in online sales compared to the previous year. Here’s a closer look at how we achieved these remarkable results.

Targeted SEO Strategies

Our first step was to ramp up Elephantito’s monthly blog content, focusing on high-volume keywords that are central to their brand and customer interests. For instance, the keyword “boys loafers” initially ranked at position 5 in search results. With our targeted content strategy, we successfully pushed it to the top position within two months. Similar improvements were seen with other key products like “boys loafer shoes” and “first step shoes,” which moved from positions 5 to 2 and 4 to 2, respectively.

Top three keywords report positioning

Elephantito’s Keywords are trending upwards


The significance of these improvements cannot be overstated. Statistics show that moving to the first position can increase the click-through rate dramatically, from less than 4% at the fifth position to nearly 40% at the first. This leap means exponentially more potential customers are engaging with Elephantito’s products directly from search results.

Enhancing User Experience

We also delved into the technical optimization of Elephantito’s website. By reorganizing their product collections, we enhanced site navigability and user experience (UX), making it easier for customers to find and browse products. Improvements in site architecture, including optimized headings and title hierarchy, further smoothed the user journey, contributing to an overall better UX that encouraged longer site visits and increased conversions.

Optimized Paid Advertising

Parallel to our SEO efforts, we refined Elephantito’s approach to paid advertising. Initially, their Google Ads were not converting effectively. By strategically optimizing these ads, we targeted markets with a higher propensity to purchase Elephantito products. This not only maximized the return on investment for their ad spend but also demonstrated the critical importance of maintaining well-set-up and well-managed paid advertising campaigns.

Looking to the Future

Our partnership with Elephantito is just beginning, and the results we’ve achieved together are promising indicators of more success to come. We are eager to apply our expertise to help more e-commerce brands flourish and, for a limited time, we’re offering new clients 50% off their first month’s plan with us.

For brands looking to elevate their digital marketing strategies, FORTUNE Marketing offers the expertise and innovation needed to drive significant results. Reach out to learn more about how we can help transform your e-commerce performance.

This case study exemplifies how integrating SEO enhancements with smart paid advertising strategies can substantially impact sales. At FORTUNE Marketing, we’re not just about driving traffic; we focus on driving the right traffic that converts into sales, ensuring our clients see tangible benefits from their investment in digital marketing.

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Social Media Marketing, Content Creation & SEO.